Long Garden, London
The Garden Brief
The garden design was part of an extensive renovation project in collaboration with Humble and Humble Architects.
The existing garden has a tight terrace just outside the house. Steps then lead down to an oval lawn surrounded by planting. Beyond the lawn a summerhouse is to one side, whilst birch trees underplanted are to the other side.
The owner of the garden is a keen plantswoman and the existing borders are bursting with well cared for plants.
The brief was to create a garden to become completely lost and immersed within the planting. A small lawn, places to grow veg and cut flowers, a dining / entertaining terrace and a link to the new extension and garden studio also formed practical sides of the brief.

The Garden Design
Stepping out from the new extension I extended the terrace slightly to accommodate a relaxed seating area and breathing space from the new rear facade. Sitting inside looking out onto the garden the planting comes right up to the full height glazed windows. Consequently the garden is truly connected and merged with the inside.
The existing level change from the terrace provided a great opportunity to take the dining terrace down into the garden and surround it with planting. Not only did this allow an immersed and atmospheric dining space, but also now the view from the house flows over the top of the dining furniture, rather than being interrupted by it.
With this design I created a garden which unfolds and offers different pathways to take, with unseen endings. This garden is all about drawing you in, immersing you within the planting and unveiling as you move through.
In balance to the intimate feeling of immersion, moments of opening allow breath, create contrast and form entertaining space. This play between path and opening provides rhythm and movement to the garden.
The pathways change in direction, material and width. As a result this offers different atmospheres and a change of pace along the journey.
The lawn provides a moment of opening and space in the middle of the garden. As you wander through the garden several seating areas are revealed, perfect for different moments of the day.
The beautiful birch trees at the far end of the garden remain. Underneath is embellished with woodland planting and meandering stepping stones to reach a bench at the end. Tucked away here is the new potting shed. An exciting surprise!
The new garden studio, designed by Humble and Humble Architects, feels like a cabin in the woods at the far end of the garden. With the studio French doors open, textural planting spills inside.
This garden is full of texture, movement and invitation. Vistas draw you through and off onto hidden paths. A true escape in the busy city. A secret garden asking to be explored.
I designed this garden whilst working in the Artisan Landscapes design team.
Status: In Development

Garden Before: